Plastic-free recycled and recyclable gift packaging
Guilt-free memorable moments created in the UK

About us

100% recycled wrapping paper from recycled content

Why Hansel?

Doesn’t it remind you of gingerbread, forests of pines and a candy-covered cottage?

Doesn’t that sound like a magical memorable moment you’d like to share? Our gift presentation is all about creating those moments – greener. Our Hansel isn’t tormented by an evil witch – just a planet-damaging product: plastic. Hansel was born out of a burning desire to stop destroying the planet, one wrap at a time.

In 2018, after seeing a viral video showing the true horror story of the almost 230,000 miles of gift wrap that get thrown away every year, and that the majority contains plastic, our founder had a vision to create a natural wrap, and offer the whole presentation experience entirely plastic-free.

Hansel About Gingerbread Image
About Us Pic 1

Who is Hansel?

Joshua and Charlotte Smith, the new directors, have extensive experience in environmentally-conscious markets and have invested heavily in rebranding and positioning what was formerly Eco-Wrap as the market leader in the environmentally friendly gift packaging sector.

When you have a choice to stick more plastic in landfill or tidy up after ourselves by using sustainable methods, why wouldn’t you choose the kinder option to our planet, our kids? Make it easier for people to make the right choices.

The future

We want everyone to have access to sustainable options they are wanting to gift with.

We want to help create memorable, guilt-free moments. And we want people to be able to choose local manufacturers, supporting British retail – produced at our facilities here in the rolling Derbyshire Dales.

Rivers to swim in, oceans to dive in. Blossoming marine species, flourishing forests, happy families, beautiful, thriving planet. Together we create a healthier, more beautiful tomorrow. Giving responsibly, without the guilt. It’s rapt: sustainable presentation.

No Greenwashing

On average, over a million metres of gift wrap ends up in landfill every day in the UK alone!

81% of consumers are looking for sustainable product offerings – SmartestEnergy survey quoted by

We are set up to deliver a completely sustainable product offering, as close to the end market as possible, that’s why we manufacture in the UK for the UK. No long fossil-fueled journeys adding huge carbon footprints as product travels across the globe, and rest assured in a local, dedicated team.
Hansel No Greenwashing
Hansel Stockist Home Stand Image

Become a Hansel partner

How better to show your own commitment to sustainability than stock products that mean consumers have easy access to environmentally friendly options.
Know your supply chain. Think British, think local, think sustainable.
Make it easier for your clients to make the right choice, then they’ll reward you well.
Your same bespoke prints or new ones, but just one a sustainable media and from a sustainable supplier.
Versatility, creativity, short lead times, what you need for your customers, when they need it.